Thanks to the generosity of our families, friends and community members through grants, fundraising and donations, Living Well Group is able to provide necessary care in a healthy and safe environment for our elder Vermonters in our two residences, Ethan Allen Residence and Heaton Woods Residence. It truly takes a village to help our elder neighbors remain in the village neighborhoods they call home. You are allowing their life stories to continue with us.
When you make a gift, you make an impact. All of our donations and grants directly support our mission, allowing us to offer care and activities that meet the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional needs of each resident.
Your monetary contribution will make a difference in our residents’ lives.
· By check or cash: Mail to Living Well Group, 261 Mountain View Drive, Suite 401, Colchester, VT 05446. To designate a specific residence, designate a specific purpose or honor someone with your gift, include that information with your donation.
· By credit card: Submit a payment online at: To designate a specific residence, designate a specific purpose or honor someone with your gift, include that information with your donation.
Does your employer have a matching gift program or payroll deductions? Do they offer a volunteer incentive program? Contact your Human Resource Department to find out how you can double your impact!
Honor the memory of a loved one through an individual memorial gift to Living Well Group. If you and your family wish to identify an organization as a recipient of memorial donations, we hope you consider Living Well Group to honor your loved one’s memory. Please contact our Development & Communications Director at with a name and address so we can notify the family of all gifts received.
Gift planning is a wonderful way to ensure that vulnerable elder Vermonters have a safe and affordable place to live for years to come. Making a bequest to benefit Living Well Group is easy to do at any age by either amending an existing will or drafting a new one. Please contact our Development & Communications Director at if you would like to discuss adding Living Well Group to your will.
Donated gifts are a great way to support the daily lives of our residents. Here are some wish list ideas for our residences that we can accept in new or in excellent condition. Be sure to check back for frequent updates.
Ethan Allen Residence
Email to coordinate donations.
Heaton Woods
Email to coordinate donations.
*Please reach out to our staff at to discuss furniture donations.
Provides an average one month of overall care and services for one resident.
To keep our residents and building comfortably warm during one cold winter’s month
Provides meals and snacks to all residents for one day
Housekeeping and custodial supplies to keep our building clean and safe for one month
New common area furniture for all residents, for inside or outside gathering spaces
Vegetable and flower gardening supplies for outdoor gardens during the summer months
Arts and crafts activities for residents for one month
New puzzles, books, games and movies for residents